Feathers so Vicious: A Dark Fantasy Romance (Court of Ravens)
Contains map, chapter headers, and edge design. ISBN: 978-1955871105 Contains map, chapter headers, and edge design. ISBN: 978-1955871082 Contains map and chapter headers. ASIN: B0CC44Z73T
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Why You'll Love This
I’m sitting completely stunned. What a magnificent book! I’m so shattered by that ending! Like what in the actual efffffffa! I cannot, my whole being was just annihilated. The emotional damage that was just unleashed that last two chapters is catastrophic. And then to be hit with that unthinkable change the last paragraph leaves my heart in tatters, knowing what it took for that to come to be and for what will come. I’m lost. Ahhhhhhh!!!! Let’s start from the beginning, This book was Dark!! Wayyyy darker than i was expecting. Not for the weak of heart. Lots of hard to swallow parts of the “war” scenes, can be a bit hard to read. I was immediately absorbed in this world of Calanthia’s and how lonely and cruel it was. I was glued to the pages, my heart pounding for what would happen. Intrigued by the ravens , never having read anything like this. And Malyr and Sebian well lets just say i have been know to ignore a red flag. I think I was a lost cause from the beginning looking for a redeemable quality in the heartless Malyr, I sympathized with him for all he had been through and was captivated by his Harsh beauty. Sebian had won me over from the start, something about him is just mesmerizing. In a sad and woeful kinda way. I knew he had a story and that in the end he would have my heart because of his pain. Boy was i right about him. Calanthia astonished me, she is resilient and sharp. Her only downfall is that she was incredibly innocent. And after years of neglect and lack of love, you can’t fault her for finally revealing in it. Five Fantastic Stars! I was very impressed and completely immersed in this world that Zander has created. Now excuse me while I run to download book 2.
I loved this! It was dark, angsty, sexy, and fantastical. All the things I want in a solid dark fantasy romance. I had the absolute pleasure of reading an early copy of this. The author did not disappoint with this one y'all! I cannot wait for book 2! This new world is so fascinating and mysterious and we are just scratching the surface with book 1. Galantia, Malyr, and Sebian are such an interesting trio and I'm looking forward to seeing where things go, because THAT ENDING Y'ALL!!!! I thought the writing style was excellent, everything flowed very well. The dialogue and descriptors used felt appropriate for the "time" of the piece. The pacing was good, never felt like there was a lull spot or dragging. There are jumps of time from present to past in terms of POV, but it wasn't confusing at all. I found the breakups of the story to be appropriately-timed and well-worked throughout. Most of Galantia's POV and all of Sebian's are telling their story in the present time and Malyr is only telling his part of the story in the past. Which I know sounds weird, and I thought so too at first. And for a little while I was like, "What the heck is Malyr thinking right now??? We never get his present POV!" But fear not! It is by design! I don't know how she did it, but the author gave us everything we needed from Malyr through the eyes of Galantia and Sebian in terms of present time story. Once I finished, I realized that it was an incredibly genius way to write his version of events. You're getting his side, but in a way that doesn't spoil things and keeps you guessing every step of the way. Malyr is a broken and slippery raven and he doesn't give a lick about anything other than revenge. He's that villain that stays true to the title all the way through. Sebian is just as broken, but somehow, he's come out on the other side differently than Malyr and he's that villain that you're going to fall in love with instantly. Galantia is the kind of FMC that finds herself in a tough situation, but sure as heck is gonna make the best of it (and enjoy herself along the way), even if she does end up coming off as somewhat naive at times. I guess you would categorize this as a why-choose, however it definitely felt more "love-triangle-ish" towards the end...I don't want to give too much away. But based on the ending (and sneak peak of chp 1 of book 2) the why-choose element may be coming back in...we shall see... The spice in this one was pretty good, although there was surprisingly not as much as I thought there was going to be. That's not a complaint at all, just an observation. But I also think this first book was somewhat of a build-up for the characters and their story, so I can definitely see that ramping up in book 2. I did enjoy Galantia's pursuit of her own desires eventually, and trying to make lemonade out of lemons with her situation, so to speak. I also adored Sebian's sweet-as-heck heart for Galantia, despite him being the "villain". There were moments throughout when I thought, "Nah, he's not gonna do that" or "He's going to change/be different" and I was proven wrong...completely wrong! HAHA! But the twists were so dang good! And then I thought "I wonder if this *one thing* is gonna happen...nah, that's probably not possible, right??" But shoot, it's fantasy...and they do whatever the heck they want! AND THEN IT HAPPENED!!!!! I was yelling so much in excitement and shock at the end! Needless to say, that ending messed me up in the best way...had me with my mouth gaped open for a solid hour afterwards. So basically I'm recommending this book, 1000%. I desperately want to know what happens next and can't wait to read book 2. Please mind your triggers though, there are some darker pieces in here that might be tough for some. But still an excellent story. Happy reading!
I didn’t expect the ending of this story…in this book. What a woman would do to find love and feel the least bit of wanting from anyone. She was sheltered, raised by a nursemaid and not loved by her parents. She longed to be loved and to feel wanted. When she is met with her enemies, she is trapped. The one that protects her cannot love her and the one that she despised at first was the one that betrays her. This book was full of surprises and I thought it would go one way, but quickly realized that it was going the complete opposite way. I can’t wait to read the next book!
it’s just mind blowing. amazing. loved it soooo much! the spice, the story building! it’s perfect, best book ever lmao
This book… wow. I’m so glad I read it. I know the TWs are intimidating, but trust me, this book is so good. It’s not as dark as I thought it was going to be, but this book still had me on the edge of my seat. I loved how this is a multi-POV book. Liv does an amazing job with the world building and introducing you to the characters. You also get a real feel for how the characters feel. This book is definitely full of steamy moments, sad moments and angst. But it is oh so good. I only wish the book was longer. Even with the cliffhanger, this book was so good and had me wanting more.
Brilliantly plotted, beautifully written, gorgeously imagined, painfully dark and sensual. A thousand times better than so many similarly marketed series. I'm hooked.
I am speechless What an ending, what a cliffhanger, what a story! It’s a very dark romance/ fantasy. Two vicious ravens, one wants to destroy her, the other one to protect her.
I am amazed by this piece of art. It was a full package of love, drama, mystery, heart breaks, and ofcourse lots of spice 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. The plot was 10/10 the character and story development 10/10. I personally prefer slow burn romance and this was so accurate for me. It just ends on a cliffhanger which is torture and left me with lots of questions and anxiety. But I totally recommend it ❤️❤️